Agfa’s PEDOT:PSS-based materials

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Next to keyboard applications, Agfa’s PEDOT:PSS-based pastes, inks, coating and formulations for screen and inkjet printing are appreciated in a variety of industry segments such as transparent cap-touch sensor film and the production of the Hole Transport Layer (HTL) for OPV.

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Organic solar cells or plastic solar cells use conductive organic polymers for light absorption and transport of charge to generate electrical power from solar radiation. Adding flexibility compared to conventional silicon-based solar panels, Agfa’s ORGACON conductive materials are used for the production of the Hole Transport Layer (HTL).

In the Human-Machine Interface (HMI) mechanical buttons and knobs have long been replaced by microprocessor-based Membrane Keyboards (MKB) that require less space and wiring and are more elegant and affordable. Using a thin polymer film panel on which the electrical wiring is printed with polymer thick-film (PTF) silver inks, MKBs are additionally water- and dustproof.
More recently, capacitive touch (or cap-touch) technology started to displace MKB technology.  PEDOT:PSS inks have now become the industry standard solution for making transparent cap-touch sensor film, in markets as diverse as automotive, white goods and kitchen appliances, and medical instruments. Next to keyboard applications, Agfa’s PEDOT:PSS-based pastes and inks for screen and inkjet printing are appreciated in a variety of industry segments.

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