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PACOTHANE TECHNOLOGIES is the world's leading manufacturer of products to enhance and assist the production and quality assurance process for the lamination and manufacture of PCB.

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product name thickness operating temperature features datasheet

Pacothane® Plus

300 µ


Pacoflex™ 10000

250 µm


Pacoflex Ultra

156 µm

up to 216°C with reduced operation pressure

Conformable Release Sheet helps to solve issues like Entrapped Air, Internal Mis-Registration (Flex Multilayer), and adhesive bleed into open areas

Conformable Release Film contains no silicone or other additives that transfer to the Coverlay surface

Conformable Release Film, when exposed to heat and pressure, becomes extremely soft and pliable for superior conformance to intricate flex part topographies. Reduces excessive “squeeze-out” and effectively blocks adhesive or resin flow into unwanted areas.

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